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My program is primarily focused on understanding best management practices to control weeds in turfgrass systems. We work to understand how turfgrass management practices are best integrated with herbicides to optimize weed control and ultimately reduce reliance on herbicides. To do this, we study weed ecology in turfgrass and herbicide efficacy, examining how weed competitiveness and herbicides are influenced by turfgrass management practices. We are particularly focused on warm-season weeds of cool-season turfgrass, including false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica). Another primary focus of my program researching integrated strategies for annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control in cool-season turfgrass.
My research supports my Extension outreach efforts to educate turfgrass industry professionals. I give numerous seminars in New Jersey and across the country annually and develop other online educational materials. I also teach Introduction to Weed Science and Management and Introduction to Horticulture courses in the Plant Biology Undergraduate Program.