Main Content

The central theme for turfgrass research at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station encompasses germplasm enhancement and turfgrass management. Current studies include:
- Breeding turfgrasses with enhanced pest and stress tolerance
- Microbiomes and turfgrass health
- Host-endophyte interactions associated with diseases, insects, and weeds
- Biocontrol of major turfgrass insect pests
- Herbicide resistance in turfgrasses
- Reducing chemical inputs through improved cultural management
- Impact of host tolerance on fungicide management turfgrass diseases
- Mechanisms of heat and drought tolerance in cool-season grasses
- Plant health products for improved stress tolerance
- Turf responses to traffic, topdressing and other management factors
Turfgrass Symposium: Research Abstracts and Posters
The Turfgrass Symposium was established in 1991 to provide Rutgers faculty, students, and staff with an annual forum for the exchange of ideas on a wide range of topics in turfgrass science. The format has been expanded to include presentations by colleagues at other institutions. View Research Abstracts » View Research Posters »
Turfgrass Proceedings: Research Reports
The Turfgrass Proceedings is published annually by Rutgers University, the Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station in cooperation with the New Jersey Turfgrass Association. The purpose of this document is to provide a forum for the dissemination of information and the exchange of ideas and knowledge. The proceedings provide turfgrass managers, research scientists, extension specialists, and industry personnel with opportunities to communicate with co-workers. Through this forum, these professionals also reach a more general audience, which includes the public. View Turfgrass Proceedings: Research Reports »
Research Updates
- Best Management Practices for Anthracnose Control on Annual Bluegrass Putting Green Turf
2015 Update (217k PDF) - The Size of Topdressing Sand: Does It Matter? (1.96MB PDF)
James A. Murphy, Green Section Record Vol. 50 (19), September 7, 2012